Consider Getting These Tests If You've Been Trying Naturally For A While & It's Not Clicking

What Tests Do I need To Take If I'm Struggling To Conceive?

If you been sexing it up for years without a positive pee, then it's time to consider these tests to get at the root of the issue. It could be as simple as adding some thyroid meds, folic acid or progesterone! Don't panic, get the tests below either with your gyno or a fertility specialist at a fertility clinic to empower yourself with knowledge. 

The Tests:

  • Check progesterone 7 days past ovulation. If it's under 15 after ovulation, then move onto seed cycling. If it’s really low, you'll need progesterone supplements prescribed by a doctor to be able to sustain a pregnancy. Always consult your doctor before taking.
  • Get an HSG or hysterosalpingogram - in this procedure, you will be checking the fallopian tubes to see if they are blocked with contrast dye. Pro-tip: take Valium (the process alone can make the tube spasm, so taking Valium helps you but also helps keep the tube from spasming (spasming makes it look like it’s blocked, when it may not be). Do it between day 6/7 end of period and ovulation begins.
  • Check male sperm with a semen analysis to analyze count, motility, and morphology, normally at a reproductive endocrinologist. You can do this with your doctor, but it’ll get sent to a lab and you need to stay vigilant about asking them to do morphology.  If your results in any area are below average, then get an opinion from a reproductive endocrinologist, male andrology expert, or urologist (particularly if morphology results are very low).
  • On day 2 or 3 of your cycle test FSH, LH, AMH, PROLactin, and do a thyroid panel. -FSH/LH ratio tells you if you have PCOS polycystic ovaries, FSH lets you know the quality of the eggs, AMH gives you an idea of your egg reserve, prolactin (one thing that can inhibit ovulation is a prolactin releasing tumor on the pituitary gland), and a thyroid panel to tell if your thyroid levels are off, as it can inhibit pregnancy and is also linked to miscarriage.
    • Check estrogen and estradiol on day three of your cycle. See where the numbers are as you will need this information to prepare for working with a specialist. It’s good to test now to get know your baseline.


You can learn more about conditions that affect fertility here, in this awesome-sauce breakdown by the Harvard Health Newsletter.

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